Wednesday, August 5, 2009

When it all began...

The last few years to me are very blurry and I can only remember so much. I have had my good days and unfortunately many bad. I still am unable to think about how many young children are suffering with situations worst than mine. I am currently 16 and living with lupus. Lupus became apart of me when I was 14. I had early signs of it though. I constantly asked my parents if it was possible for someone my age to get arthritis, and they would say no, thinking I was just complaining. My parents are wonderful though, and when they knew something was wrong they made sure the doctors found the problem. From what I can remember, I was running the mile in p.e and noticed my hands were turning blue, and I knew something was wrong. Then later that week while in p.e again I blew out my hip and was unable to walk. I had basketball tryouts for this team called the Las Vegas Elite and was determined to make the team, so I played anyway hurt hip and all. It all ended to soon though, when my hands turned blue again, which we now know is from Raynauds. I didn't want to stop playing though, I knew that I could not look weak by sitting out so I just kept playing, until I almost blacked out. So the next day we went to the doctor and she referred me right away to a rhumatologist. A few months later we got into the rhumy, she took a look at me, and took some tests. It ended up my ANA was sky high and that basically proved that I had lupus. My feet were so swollen at the time that I was unable to fit them in my own shoes. She prescribed me prednisone and here I am two years later still a statistic. 


  1. Boy, I surely remember those days. I was training for cheerleading try outs but it got hard to perform cheerleading jumps and conditioning because my fatigue and joint pain got so bad. It go to the point to where I had fluid around my heart and lungs and I had to sleep sitting up!! I seriously thought that my life was over. I almost didn't graduate from high school because I missed so many days from school. There were some days where I couldn't even get out of bed. It's people like you who make people like me and others who suffer from this illness fight harder because there is a chance. I seriously thought that I take a lot of medicine but you have me beat by a long shot!! I really like your blog and your videos. They are very motivational. Thanks!!

  2. Thank you for your videos/posts! I LOVE them. I have Lupus too & am doing the Lupus walk in Chicago this weekend. (Having a rough period right now, so I'll be at the walk, but my team members will be my legs that day.) Have my good days & bad days and Lupus has affected my life in a million ways, but it's important to stay strong, keep pushing, & raise awareness like you are. I'm inspired that you're so young, but so strong! Wishing you a million good things! Are you on facebook?
